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Brain Crumbs Blog

“Death Taxes”…

You have just received an inheritance. What do you do now? You could spend it on some extravagance, but you would be better off doing two things first: assessing the tax ramifications and thinking abo

5 Mistakes Anyone Could Make

As you know, planning for the future and keeping your finances on track require regular vigilance and fine-tuning. But when life gets busy, it’s surprisingly easy to forget about the basics.

A Planning Epidemic, Post Pandemic (Covid-19)

With the recent turmoil in the financial markets, I have undoubtedly been spending a great deal of time managing and calming my clients’ expectations and fears regarding their portfolios and financi

Boomers Need Help Connecting The Dots For Retirement Income

Covid-19 made maximizing retirement income the single most important financial decision of a client’s lifetime. Eyes widen when I share the rate of boomer retirements quadrupled in 2020, relative to

Common Wealth Transfer Mistakes Families Make

When you think of the transfer of wealth and mistakes that come from this, your mind drifts to news articles of famous people who died without a will or estate plan. This is definitely a mistake but n

Giving & Receiving Wealth: What to Know

As baby boomers move into and through retirement, they will pass on substantial wealth to younger generations. This financial shift will impact each generation (and each family) differently, but we’

The Portfolio Review: Why It Is Important, How to Do It

After the end of every calendar quarter, a portfolio needs to be reviewed to make sure that it is achieving your desired results within acceptable risk and other constraints, such as cash flow require

TOP 3 Qualities Client Want in Their Advisor

Cerulli Associates, in conjunction with Phoenix Marketing International, surveyed more than 11,000 households with investable assets ranging from $100,000 to more than $5 million throughout 2020, and

What Are Americans Biggest Retirement Concerns

At its core, every brand has something special to reveal something that inspires people. We are a branding and communications agency.

What Plan Sponsors Should Expect From a Retirement Plan Adviser

“You really need to ask a lot of questions about that adviser to ultimately get them to disclose whether they’re in this for you or for them—because they’re supposed to work for you. That’s